Syzygy Systems

Barry Smith

What is "Syzygy Systems"? Well, I'm a programmer. I've worked as a conventional employee. I've worked for a consulting company. And when I wasn't working to make others rich, I've done consulting work and product development on my own under the name of Syzygy Systems, on and off since 1985.

What kind of word is "syzygy"? A real word - it mean "the conjunction or opposition of two heavenly bodies". Ie, like when the moon is in line with the sun and earth. In case you haven't guessed, astronomy is a hobby.

Why should you care about knowing such a weird word? It can score up to 93 points in Scrabble.

And what is the background image making this text hard to read? It's the IBM 1620 computer - the first computer I programmed (back when programming meant assembly language and not just clicking on a wizard button).

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